January 2016
Our December community project has stretched into January. We have chosen to support the Salvation Army in Worthington who goes out weekly to provide necessities to the homeless. Our families donated the much need toiletries, warm hats, socks and gloves, also protein and cereal bars. The children have sorted all the items bagging them and placing them in individual bags for distribution. The goal was to supply 50 bags for distribution; and we are happy to say that we met and surpassed that goal. Once again, we thank the generosity of our families…you are the greatest! December 2015 Today was the day that St. Stephens Community Center pulled up in their truck to collect all the canned goods, food stuff, baby food and formula that was again, so generously donated by our families. Their Christmas Cares/Unions Share distribution serviced approximately 3500 families December 19-23. Your donated items go to help making food baskets for those less fortunate in the Columbus area. We have been partnering with them for over 20 years. So thank you for improving our world by your kind and giving hearts.
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One tradition that we have had for many years is a food collection for St. Stephen’s Community House. The need this year is more dire than ever with emptyshelves in many food pantries around the UnitedStates. With our support, St. Stephen’s offers hope and encouragement to many families during the holiday season. They are truly grateful for ourdonations. Beginning December 1st through December 16th, your child can bring in any canned goods or unopened non-perishable food.
This is a wonderful way to show the children how their individual efforts can come together and affect somany! Requested food items include, but is not limited to: rice, pasta, tuna, cereals, dry baby cereal, formula, spaghetti sauce, soups, peanut butter & jelly, baby food, tuna, canned beans, canned vegetables, cake mixes, frosting, juice, fruit snacks, macaroni & cheese dinners. Gift cards to local grocers are always welcomed . Collection ends December 15th. Once again this year we are looking forward to participating in a variety of community service projects.
We are excited to start the new year continuing our relationship with Abbington Assisted Living Community. We will keep you informed of the activities and opportunities in the upcoming months. October 31, 2015 We would love to see the smiles on the children who got to pick out their very own Halloween costume! Thanks to our generous families who donated over 50 costumes and accessories. The children were able to go to the Welcome Warehouse and select from a variety of characters whether it be a dinosaur, princess, pirate, super hero, fire fighter or a police officer! Halloween is for the children and it is a very sad time if a youngster is not able to dress up and pretend! Your acts of kindness go a very long way to make a child’s life just a bit happier. Thank you! Dublin Montessori Academy has always been involved in community efforts. We like to have the children participate in projects in which they truly become involved. Whether it be collecting canned goods for St. Stephens Community House, donating warm winter coats and jackets for distribution or raising funds for Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation and or the American Heart Association; the children and the families are so very generous with their giving. This year, the school is getting more involved and stretching "our wings" just a bit. We have established a relationship with the Assisted Living Community of Abbington located right down the road from our school. The children have made buckeye necklaces, bracelets and colored pictures to help the residents cheer on the OSU football team. We had a meet and greet session with the children visiting, sharing their stories and the residents enjoying listening to each and every one. Other visits and activities are planned throughout the year. In collaboration with Columbus School for Girls, and once again the generosity of our families; we were able to collect and donate 150 Halloween costumes for the children at the Homeless Families Foundation. Also, keeping with the tradition, the children will be bringing in their "spare change" to help with our support of the Ride Strong Program to collect money for the Live Strong Program. This program raises money for people who are in cancer remission and are trying to find their new "normal" in physical fitness. It gives those recovering from cancer the opportunity, at no expense, to work out with other survivors at the YMCA. This cause is near and dear to our hearts. In November, we will once again collect canned food goods for St. Stephens Community House for their Christmas Care Program. In conclusion to our first year of community conscience and commitment, we made a final trip to Abbington Village with fifteen kindergarteners bearing gifts of hand painted flower pots with potted petunias. After talking with the residents, hearing their life stories and the children sharing their own stories then sharing a snack together; the children paraded to each room and distributed their flowers. It was heartwarming for all. A lesson in how much better it is to give than receive. Then, our first American Red Cross blood drive was on May 11th. What a success! Twenty-two wonderful people donated…helping sixty-six lives. We plan on keeping our community commitments going forward in future years. What a rewarding experience for our children, staff and families. Thank you Lori Carroll! We feel so fortunate to have such wonderful families who support our adventures. We look forward to having the opportunity of serving the community and having our children learn that even the smallest act of kindness and giving can make a big, big difference! Check back again to see more involvement with our community. |