Prevention Strategies and Policies for Opening the School Year 2021-2022
As mentioned in the cover letter, the school is no longer mandated to follow the ODJFS transitional pandemic child care requirements. It is suggested that the school follow the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) operational guidelines for Early Care and Educational/Child Care Programs. COVID-19 Guidance for Operating Early Care and Education/Child Care Programs ( Following are the policies and prevention strategies that Dublin Montessori will put into practice.
As mentioned in the cover letter, the school is no longer mandated to follow the ODJFS transitional pandemic child care requirements. It is suggested that the school follow the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) operational guidelines for Early Care and Educational/Child Care Programs. COVID-19 Guidance for Operating Early Care and Education/Child Care Programs ( Following are the policies and prevention strategies that Dublin Montessori will put into practice.
- Promoting vaccinations
- Physical distancing – At this time, parents will not be permitted in the building – At a later time, appointments may be made to observe your child’s the classrooms.
- Ventilation
- Hand washing and respiratory etiquette
- Staying home when sick and getting tested
- Contact tracing in combination with isolation and quarantine
- Cleaning and disinfection
- Masking – is not mandated, but recommended for people who are not fully vaccinated. You have the right to have your child mask or not mask. The staff also reserves that right to mask or not mask
- Symptom Assessment, Quarantine, Isolation, Discharge procedures will follow the CDC guidelines for children and employees
- Upon arrival, your child will be given a visual inspection for any signs of illness
- Parents will be contacted immediately if a child show any symptoms:
- Of illness including a fever of 100 degrees or higher
- Sore throat
- Diarrhea, vomiting or stomach aches
- New onset of severe headache, especially with a fever
- New uncontrolled cough that causes difficulty breathing (for a child with chronic allergic/asthmatic cough, see if there is a change from their usual cough)
- Reporting – The school is to report to ODJFS within 24 business hours, of a positive COVID case for a staff or child incident. Additionally, the Delaware Department of Health will be notified and we will follow their directions regarding isolation or quarantine procedures.
- Ventilation and Routine Cleaning, Sanitizing and Disinfection –
- Windows and doors (where possible) will be kept open to allow for increased air circulation
- I-Wave air purifying devices have been installed to reduce pathogens, allergens, particles, creating a healthy environment
- Disinfect frequently touched surfaces and objects throughout the day (e.g., doorknobs, light switches, classroom sink handles, shared objects)
- Hand washing - All children and staff will engage in hand hygiene at the following times:
- Arrival to the facility
- Before and after preparing food or drinks
- Before having snack and lunch
- After using the toilet or helping a child use the bathroom
- After coming in contact with bodily fluid
- Putting their hands in their mouth or nose
- After playing outdoors
- Anytime hands are visibly soiled
- Upon leaving the school for the day
- Children are to wash their hands after “catching their cough in the bend in their arm” and after using a tissue to clean their nose
January 8, 2021
Dear Parents,
Once again, an Executive Order was signed by Governor DeWine granting authority for updated Transitional Pandemic Child Care TA Documents to be published. As a result, permanent rules are being drafted and will be up for public comment. We are required to provide this information to you, add the Addendum to our Handbook and this information will also be posted on our website. These requirements are effective December 11, 2020 and can remain in effect as temporary requirements for 120 days. The requirements are the same as those effective August 25, 2020 (made available to you on September 29, 2020 , published on our website and added to our Parent Handbook as an addendum) except for the following changes:
(1) The center shall follow all hand washing procedures pursuant to rule 5101:2-12-13 of the Administrative Code with the following additions:
(a) All administrators, child care staff members and employees shall wash their hands:
(b) All children shall wash their hands:
(2) Effective December 11, 2020 Appendix A – List of COVID-19 Symptoms has been amended. The transitional rule is as follows:
(3) The center shall ensure that all administrators, employees, child care staff members and children are assessed for the symptoms listed in Appendix A to this rule prior to or as soon as they arrive each day.
(a) If a person has a temperature of 100 degrees or higher:
(b) If a person has any of the symptoms listed in Appendix A and has had known contact in the previous fourteen days with someone with confirmed or suspected COVID-19;
(c) The requirements of this paragraph also apply to anyone whose symptoms are assessed after arrival.
Dear Parents,
Once again, an Executive Order was signed by Governor DeWine granting authority for updated Transitional Pandemic Child Care TA Documents to be published. As a result, permanent rules are being drafted and will be up for public comment. We are required to provide this information to you, add the Addendum to our Handbook and this information will also be posted on our website. These requirements are effective December 11, 2020 and can remain in effect as temporary requirements for 120 days. The requirements are the same as those effective August 25, 2020 (made available to you on September 29, 2020 , published on our website and added to our Parent Handbook as an addendum) except for the following changes:
(1) The center shall follow all hand washing procedures pursuant to rule 5101:2-12-13 of the Administrative Code with the following additions:
(a) All administrators, child care staff members and employees shall wash their hands:
- Upon entering a classroom and prior to leaving for the day.
- After caring for someone who is sick.
- After eating, serving, or preparing food or bottles or feeding a child.
- After blowing their nose, coughing or sneezing.
- Before and after touching their face or handling their mask.
(b) All children shall wash their hands:
- Prior to leaving for the day.
- After eating or assisting with food preparation.
- After blowing their nose, coughing or sneezing.
- After touching their face or handling their mask.
(2) Effective December 11, 2020 Appendix A – List of COVID-19 Symptoms has been amended. The transitional rule is as follows:
- Temperature of 100 degrees Fahrenheit or higher
- Chills
- New uncontrolled cough (for children with chronic allergic/asthmatic cough, a change in their cough from baseline)
- Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
- Fatigue
- Muscle or body aches
- New onset severe headache
- New loss of taste or smell
- Sore throat
- Congestion or runny nose
- Nausea or vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Trouble breathing
- Persistent pain or pressure in the chest
- New confusion
- Inability to wake or stay awake
- Bluish lips or face
(3) The center shall ensure that all administrators, employees, child care staff members and children are assessed for the symptoms listed in Appendix A to this rule prior to or as soon as they arrive each day.
(a) If a person has a temperature of 100 degrees or higher:
- The center shall immediately send the person home. The individual shall not return to the center until he or she has been fever-free without the use of medication for at least twenty-four hours.
- If the person had known contact in the previous fourteen days with someone confirmed or suspected to have COVID-19, the individual shall not return to the center until isolation or quarantine protocols for COVID-19 are completed in coordination with the local health department or in compliance with the Ohio Department of Health (ODH) and United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) guidelines.
(b) If a person has any of the symptoms listed in Appendix A and has had known contact in the previous fourteen days with someone with confirmed or suspected COVID-19;
- The center shall immediately send the person home.
- The individual shall not return to the center until isolation or quarantine protocols for COVID-19 are completed in coordination with the local health department or in compliance with the Ohio Department of Health (ODH) and United States centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
(c) The requirements of this paragraph also apply to anyone whose symptoms are assessed after arrival.
September 29, 2020
Dear Parents,
This letter is to update information regarding Transitional Pandemic Requirements for a licensed child care center as Ohio transitions out of pandemic child care for the COVID-19 pandemic and back to child care licensing requirements. Our letter of August 2020 which was sent to all families and is available on our website and as an Addendum to our Handbook in hard copy is being updated with the following requirements effective August 25, 2020.
The hand washing procedures pursuant to rule 5101:2-12-13 of the Administrative code with the following additions:
(a) All administrators, child care staff members and employees shall wash their hands upon entering a classroom and prior to leaving for the day.
(b) All children shall wash their hands prior to leaving for the day.
I am please to announce that our staff and children have been following this rule daily!
The center shall ensure that all administrators, employees, child care staff members and children are assessed for the symptoms listed in Appendix A to this rule prior to or as soon as they arrive each day.
(a) If a person has a temperature of 100 degrees or higher:
(1) The center shall immediately send the person home. The individual shall not return to the center until he or she has been fever-free without the use of medication for at least twenty-four hours.
(2) If the person had known contact with someone confirmed or probable to have COVID-19, the individual shall not return to the center until isolation or quarantine procedures for COVID-19 are completed in coordination with the local health department.
(b) If a person has any of the symptoms listed in Appendix A and has had known contact with someone confirmed or probable to have COVID-19:
(1) The center shall immediately send the person home
(2) The individual shall not return to the center until isolation or quarantine procedures for COVID-19 are completed in coordination with the Delaware Health Department.
List of COVID-19 Symptoms
Appendix A
August 31, 2020
With the start of school being right around the corner, we wanted to update our visitor policy to conform to the Ohio Department of Health Responsible Restart Ohio Guidelines. It is recommended that the flow of traffic within a building be limited. However, we know our parents may wish to observe their children while in the classroom; therefore, the school has adopted the police that parents/family members may visit using the following safety procedure:
a. Facial coverings are required by all visitors
b. Hand sanitizer will be available as you enter the building
c. No more than four visitors in the building at one time
d. You will be asked to wait outside if there are four visitors in the building
e. Staying in your child’s observation area is recommended
f. Calling ahead for an appointment is suggested
g. Washing hands before leaving the building or the use of sanitizer is recommended
With these guidelines in place, we hope that you will feel comfortable when visiting. For the safety of all, we respectfully ask that these guidelines be followed; otherwise the visitor policy will be revised.
Dear Parents,
This letter is to update information regarding Transitional Pandemic Requirements for a licensed child care center as Ohio transitions out of pandemic child care for the COVID-19 pandemic and back to child care licensing requirements. Our letter of August 2020 which was sent to all families and is available on our website and as an Addendum to our Handbook in hard copy is being updated with the following requirements effective August 25, 2020.
The hand washing procedures pursuant to rule 5101:2-12-13 of the Administrative code with the following additions:
(a) All administrators, child care staff members and employees shall wash their hands upon entering a classroom and prior to leaving for the day.
(b) All children shall wash their hands prior to leaving for the day.
I am please to announce that our staff and children have been following this rule daily!
The center shall ensure that all administrators, employees, child care staff members and children are assessed for the symptoms listed in Appendix A to this rule prior to or as soon as they arrive each day.
(a) If a person has a temperature of 100 degrees or higher:
(1) The center shall immediately send the person home. The individual shall not return to the center until he or she has been fever-free without the use of medication for at least twenty-four hours.
(2) If the person had known contact with someone confirmed or probable to have COVID-19, the individual shall not return to the center until isolation or quarantine procedures for COVID-19 are completed in coordination with the local health department.
(b) If a person has any of the symptoms listed in Appendix A and has had known contact with someone confirmed or probable to have COVID-19:
(1) The center shall immediately send the person home
(2) The individual shall not return to the center until isolation or quarantine procedures for COVID-19 are completed in coordination with the Delaware Health Department.
List of COVID-19 Symptoms
Appendix A
- A temperature of one hundred degrees Fahrenheit or higher
- Fever
- Chills
- Cough
- Shortness of breath
- Difficulty breathing
- Fatigue
- Muscle or body aches
- Headache
- Loss of taste or smell
- Sore throat
- Congestion or runny nose
- Nausea or vomiting
- Diarrhea
August 31, 2020
With the start of school being right around the corner, we wanted to update our visitor policy to conform to the Ohio Department of Health Responsible Restart Ohio Guidelines. It is recommended that the flow of traffic within a building be limited. However, we know our parents may wish to observe their children while in the classroom; therefore, the school has adopted the police that parents/family members may visit using the following safety procedure:
a. Facial coverings are required by all visitors
b. Hand sanitizer will be available as you enter the building
c. No more than four visitors in the building at one time
d. You will be asked to wait outside if there are four visitors in the building
e. Staying in your child’s observation area is recommended
f. Calling ahead for an appointment is suggested
g. Washing hands before leaving the building or the use of sanitizer is recommended
With these guidelines in place, we hope that you will feel comfortable when visiting. For the safety of all, we respectfully ask that these guidelines be followed; otherwise the visitor policy will be revised.
August 20, 2020
The following information was just released regarding the wearing of facial coverings for our kindergarten students. This is an excerpt of the Order issued on August 13, 2020 from Lance D. Himes, Interim Director of Health. To view the entire Order, please go to the Ohio Department of Health website to search for the director’s complete Order.
Director’s Orders from the Ohio Department of Health
Facial Covering (Masks). Except as provided herein, all students, faculty and staff in any child care setting, school building, or other location that provides care or education to any child in kindergarten through grade twelve in the Sate of Ohio shall wear facial coverings at all times.
(a) The requirement to wear a facial covering does not apply when: The individual is actively participating in outdoor recess and/or physical activity where students are able to maintain a distance of six feet or more.
(b) Also when the individual is seated and actively consuming food or beverage.
(c) Where students and staff can maintain distancing of at least six feet and removal of facial covering is necessary for instructional purposes.
The Order does not mention pre-school children, we maintain that at the present time, it is not mandatory for your pre school child to wear a facial covering; however, you may do so if desired.
Thank you for understanding, complying and helping to keep everyone safe.
The following information was just released regarding the wearing of facial coverings for our kindergarten students. This is an excerpt of the Order issued on August 13, 2020 from Lance D. Himes, Interim Director of Health. To view the entire Order, please go to the Ohio Department of Health website to search for the director’s complete Order.
Director’s Orders from the Ohio Department of Health
Facial Covering (Masks). Except as provided herein, all students, faculty and staff in any child care setting, school building, or other location that provides care or education to any child in kindergarten through grade twelve in the Sate of Ohio shall wear facial coverings at all times.
(a) The requirement to wear a facial covering does not apply when: The individual is actively participating in outdoor recess and/or physical activity where students are able to maintain a distance of six feet or more.
(b) Also when the individual is seated and actively consuming food or beverage.
(c) Where students and staff can maintain distancing of at least six feet and removal of facial covering is necessary for instructional purposes.
The Order does not mention pre-school children, we maintain that at the present time, it is not mandatory for your pre school child to wear a facial covering; however, you may do so if desired.
Thank you for understanding, complying and helping to keep everyone safe.
August 5, 2020
Dear Parents and Families,
Late last week, the governor issued a statement that effective Sunday, August 9, 2020 Ohio will return to regular ratio and class sizes. For our school, the ratio is 1 adult to 12 children. We will return the classrooms to the normal physicality without dividing the rooms in half as previously mentioned. Our children will experience a more normal classroom routine with two teachers in the environment.
Our number one concern is to protect the safety and well-being of the children and families we serve and the professionals we all depend on. With this being said, we will continue to follow the safety policies mentioned in our previous announcement of July 7th. It is mandated that face coverings are required for employees and for all children in third grade or above while indoors. If you choose to have your child wear a face mask, please know that the staff will encourage your child to keep it on; however, if it falls to the ground, or gets soiled, it will be bagged and sent home.
As always, thank you for your support in these challenging times.
July 7, 2020
Dear Parents,
When the Montessori classes reopen in September things will look different and be different. Our main concern is to reopen with the safety and health of our children and staff as priority. We are committed to providing high quality and safe environments for our children during the COVID-19 pandemic. We are continuously monitoring the latest developments in and around the state. As information changes and is made available, we will be adapting and making changes.
We are licensed with the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services and must follow the mandated policies recommended to reopen. We are following the guidance from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and adapting to their policies, and the help of the Delaware Department of Health.
The State of Ohio has changed the staff to child ratio to 1 adult to 9 children. Previously it was a 1 to 12 ratio. We were allowed to divide the classroom into two groups (1 to 9 each) as long as the groups are separated by a partition and still maintain 35 sq. feet per child. We chose fireproof curtain fabric in which to divide the class. Children will remain in group with the same teacher for their morning, lunch and afternoon class. Outdoor play time will be staggered to keep the groups separated to help avoid the mixing of groups.
Safety Policies and Procedures
Routine Cleaning, Sanitizing and Disinfection
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
These are the guidelines and procedures to date. Please feel free to contact the school with any questions. We will update this information as it is made available to us.
Thank you for your continued support in this time of change and adjustments.
Dear Parents,
When the Montessori classes reopen in September things will look different and be different. Our main concern is to reopen with the safety and health of our children and staff as priority. We are committed to providing high quality and safe environments for our children during the COVID-19 pandemic. We are continuously monitoring the latest developments in and around the state. As information changes and is made available, we will be adapting and making changes.
We are licensed with the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services and must follow the mandated policies recommended to reopen. We are following the guidance from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and adapting to their policies, and the help of the Delaware Department of Health.
The State of Ohio has changed the staff to child ratio to 1 adult to 9 children. Previously it was a 1 to 12 ratio. We were allowed to divide the classroom into two groups (1 to 9 each) as long as the groups are separated by a partition and still maintain 35 sq. feet per child. We chose fireproof curtain fabric in which to divide the class. Children will remain in group with the same teacher for their morning, lunch and afternoon class. Outdoor play time will be staggered to keep the groups separated to help avoid the mixing of groups.
Safety Policies and Procedures
- Upon arrival staff will make visual inspection of the child for signs of illness
- Staff will use non-touch thermometers to take the temperature of the child. The forehead temperature must be less than 100 degrees F/38C to be admitted into the school
- The staff will also have their temperature taken when they arrive for the day
- Parents will be contacted immediately if a child shows any symptoms of illness, which could include flushed cheeks, rapid breathing or difficulty breathing without recent physical activity, fatigue or extreme fussiness
- Parents must notify the school if a child has taken any fever reducing medications in the last 72 hours and must not bring the child to school.
- All children and staff will engage in hand hygiene at the following times:
- Arrival to the facility
- Before and after preparing food or drinks
- Before having snack and lunch
- After using the toilet or helping a child use the bathroom
- After coming in contact with bodily fluid
- After playing outdoors
- Anytime hands are visibly soiled
- Upon leaving the school for the day
- If an employee, or child care staff member or child enrolled in the program tests positive for COVID-19 the program must:
- Notify ODJFS by the next business day as a serious incident.
- Notify the Delaware Department of Health by the next business day.
- In coordination with the health department, and following their directions, ensure the person completes isolation or quarantine procedures before returning to the program.
Routine Cleaning, Sanitizing and Disinfection
- Windows and doors (where possible) will be kept open to allow for increased air circulation
- On top of our regular daily cleaning, the school will routinely clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces and objects throughout the day (e.g., doorknobs, light switches, classroom sink handles, shared objects).
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- The staff will have access to Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) including masks, gloves and face shields to prevent the spread of germs. Children are not required to wear masks while at school, however they may.
- Backpacks and thermos/water bottles are not allowed.
These are the guidelines and procedures to date. Please feel free to contact the school with any questions. We will update this information as it is made available to us.
Thank you for your continued support in this time of change and adjustments.
May 7, 2020
Dear Parents,
Since the COVID-19 invaded our lives early in March, the school has been operating on not only a day to day basis, but on Governor DeWine’s daily briefings. As you may be aware, we were able to keep the school open until Friday, March 27, when all day cares and pre schools were officially closed. The following week, our teachers challenged themselves and reinvented a method to keep in touch with all our families and provide lessons via FlipGrid. Believe me, this was new to all of us….and to try and do Montessori on line…Oh My! We are now into our sixth week of lessons on Mondays and Thursdays and sometimes a special surprise on Fridays! The teachers have worked so very hard to follow the guidelines of the American Montessori Society with the suggested topics. I love watching their presentations, but truly am enjoying viewing the children’s responses and activities. Our parents have taken such an active role in their children’s participation….not only at this age level but also those families with older siblings trying to keep up with their school assignments also. With many families sharing just one computer, working from home and home schooling this can be demanding, almost impossible and stressful for all.
My heart goes out to all graduates, college, high school or kindergarten, as graduation ceremonies are being cancelled or postponed. For our kindergarten graduates, and for our families, the last day celebration at the Columbus Zoo has been cancelled. We held off cancelling… hoping for a miracle but it didn’t happen. The zoo contacted us and cancelled our celebration which was to be on Friday, May 22.
Parents of Ava, Veer, Zane, Dimitri, Gemma, Madelyn, Pippa, Alexis, Shyon, Ibrahim, Jason, Blake, Yo, Everett, Eliza, Gia, Joseph, Deniz, Eloise, Elliott, Tucker, Valerie, Anaya Kara, Matthew, Ameya and Alba; please know we will make arrangements this summer to get together to recognize these wonderful children who have been such a very special part of our lives. We will be in touch with you regarding the arrangements, as soon as we see what these next few months hold in store for us. Please know these children will be recognized in their own unique and special way!
This is a very long note, but I would just like to conclude with expressing my sincere and heartfelt gratitude to all the parents who have supported the school in these trying times. As I have told many of you, my goal is to keep the school alive and be able to reopen these doors for the 2020-2021 school year. With your commitment to honor your financial obligation, we will be able to meet our own financial responsibilities. Because of you…we will be here for you and for the community.
With sincere gratitude and appreciation,
Mrs. Roshon
Dear Parents,
Since the COVID-19 invaded our lives early in March, the school has been operating on not only a day to day basis, but on Governor DeWine’s daily briefings. As you may be aware, we were able to keep the school open until Friday, March 27, when all day cares and pre schools were officially closed. The following week, our teachers challenged themselves and reinvented a method to keep in touch with all our families and provide lessons via FlipGrid. Believe me, this was new to all of us….and to try and do Montessori on line…Oh My! We are now into our sixth week of lessons on Mondays and Thursdays and sometimes a special surprise on Fridays! The teachers have worked so very hard to follow the guidelines of the American Montessori Society with the suggested topics. I love watching their presentations, but truly am enjoying viewing the children’s responses and activities. Our parents have taken such an active role in their children’s participation….not only at this age level but also those families with older siblings trying to keep up with their school assignments also. With many families sharing just one computer, working from home and home schooling this can be demanding, almost impossible and stressful for all.
My heart goes out to all graduates, college, high school or kindergarten, as graduation ceremonies are being cancelled or postponed. For our kindergarten graduates, and for our families, the last day celebration at the Columbus Zoo has been cancelled. We held off cancelling… hoping for a miracle but it didn’t happen. The zoo contacted us and cancelled our celebration which was to be on Friday, May 22.
Parents of Ava, Veer, Zane, Dimitri, Gemma, Madelyn, Pippa, Alexis, Shyon, Ibrahim, Jason, Blake, Yo, Everett, Eliza, Gia, Joseph, Deniz, Eloise, Elliott, Tucker, Valerie, Anaya Kara, Matthew, Ameya and Alba; please know we will make arrangements this summer to get together to recognize these wonderful children who have been such a very special part of our lives. We will be in touch with you regarding the arrangements, as soon as we see what these next few months hold in store for us. Please know these children will be recognized in their own unique and special way!
This is a very long note, but I would just like to conclude with expressing my sincere and heartfelt gratitude to all the parents who have supported the school in these trying times. As I have told many of you, my goal is to keep the school alive and be able to reopen these doors for the 2020-2021 school year. With your commitment to honor your financial obligation, we will be able to meet our own financial responsibilities. Because of you…we will be here for you and for the community.
With sincere gratitude and appreciation,
Mrs. Roshon
School closing due to the Coronavirus
To our families and friends of Dublin Montessori Academy
We are sad to announce that Dublin Montessori Academy will be temporarily closed due to the State’s mandated order. Our school will officially be closed March 30th through April 30th. More updates will follow as we are given information. Please follow the orders to keep you and your families healthy. Until we resume, Mrs. Roshon and the staff will greatly miss each and every one of you.
To our Parents at Dublin Montessori Academy,
With our temporary closing at least through April 30th, I wanted everyone to know that we are all thinking of you and your children. We miss you and hope that things will get back to normal soon!
The teachers are hard at work coming up with some ideas for activities. They are planning some special things in the near future that will be posted on the website.
First of all, we would like everyone to try and enjoy the time together. Children are very capable of identifying the stress levels within their home. Don’t feel like you must teach, teach, teach your child..….afraid that they will fall behind…. during these unchartered times.
Some of the most important things you can do with your children are play together, inside and definitely when the weather allows, outside, outside, outside! Walk, ride bikes, go to the parks (the play areas are closed) walk the trails. Spring is close so help them identify what type of spring flowers are popping up, what birds are at the feeder, are they starting to make a nest? Help your children find things around the house that are colorful, such as yarn, ribbon, soft materials, hang them on the trees or bushes and see how birds come and select from the collection to add to their nests.
Sidewalk chalk is always popular. Help them decorate the sidewalk in front of a friend’s house, or neighbors. It would put a smile on an elderly neighbor to see the decorated sidewalk outside their home.
We all do best with a schedule. Make and keep a schedule for yourself and your children.
Chart it, so the children can identify “what comes next”. Definitely, read to them and have them read everyday! I am certain all of you have Googled “Montessori at Home”
And come across many great ideas. There are so many resources available, here are a few more to add to your list.
I wanted to make this first message short and will follow up later with more ideas. The teachers are anxious to make contact with their students and we are working on how best to make that happen.
Thank you so much and everyone stay well and stay safe!