Registration 2025-2026
Registration forms will be sent home on February 3rd These forms are only for current students planning to return next year. Siblings and referrals must register with a different form which can be obtained in the office. If you do not receive a registration form for your current student , please call the office. Forms are due by Friday, February 16th accompanied by a $200 deposit. After this deadline, when all currently enrolled students and siblings have had the opportunity to register, the school will then confirm new students for any remaining classroom openings. REMINDER! The school will be completely closed on Monday, February 17th for Presidents’ Day and Friday, April 18th for Good Friday. There will be NO Extended Care. Coming Events 2025-2026 Registration due Tuesday, February 18th Valentine’s Day Party Friday, February 14th Presidents’ Day No School/No Extended Care Monday, February 17th Spring Break No School/No Extended Care Monday, March 24th through Friday, March 28th Good Friday No School/ No Extended Care Friday, April 18th Valentine’s Day Party Our next celebration is fast approaching...another opportunity to spread good cheer to everyone! On Friday, February 14th, the children will celebrate Valentine’s Day. We ask that every child bring in (see count below) signed Valentine cards for each class that they attend. These cards should be in BLANK envelopes. PLEASE DO NOT ADDRESS THE CARDS. Special containers are also not necessary because the children will be making their own items in the classroom. Although parents do not attend, if you are interested in contributing items for the party such as plates, napkins, cups, fruit, etc., please call the office at 614-761-2020 and we will let you know what your child’s teacher has requested. Classroom 1— 22 Children AM/20 Children PM Classroom 2—24 Children Classroom 3—22 Children AM/18 Children PM Classroom 4—24 Children AM/18 Children PM
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Conference sessions are offered each school year for parents to discuss the progress of their children. The first session is Thursday, November 7th from 12:40 p.m. concluding at 5:00 p.m. and Friday, November 8th from 8:00 a.m. concluding at 5:00 p.m. The second session will be in April. You will receive your Progress Reports on October 30th. If you would like to schedule a parent-teacher conference, please call the school for an appointment. Conferences are twenty minutes long. Children do not attend the conference. Please bring the Progress Report with your signatures to the conference. If you do not wish to have a conference at this time, please sign the report and return it by Wednesday, November 9th. We must have the originals returned There is no school during the conference sessions, however the Extended Care Program is in session. Policy Change Due to multiple Postal issues you may now turn payments into the office instead of mailing. Thank you Classroom Rosters are Ready! Please call the office to request a classroom roster. Don’t forget to set your clocks back one hour. Daylight Savings Time ends November 3rd,2024. Coming Events Thursday, November 7th Parent-Teacher Conferences NO PM CLASSES All Day K and All Day classes dismiss at 11:30 Extended Care Program In Session Friday, November 8th Parent-Teacher Conferences NO SCHOOL Extended Care Program In Session NO SCHOOL Thanksgiving Holiday Wednesday, November 27th Through Friday, November 29th NO SCHOOL Winter Break Monday, December 23rd through Monday, January 6th School resumes Tuesday, January 7th Cold weather is approaching so please check your child’s spare clothing box to see that the shorts and tee shirts are replaced with pants and long sleeved shirts. It is also very helpful to label all jackets, hats and gloves. Illness Policy In compliance with state law, our communicable disease policy as related in the Parent Handbook states that a child with a temperature of 100 degrees or higher, must be free from fever without the aid of fever reducing medication twenty-four hours before returning to school. We appreciate your cooperation in helping us to maintain a healthy environment. Please help us show consideration for each other’s children by complying with this policy. If your child is ill and is going to be absent from school, a phone call to the school is appreciated. If the illness is communicable, we need to know so that we can inform other parents to watch for symptoms. Thank you for your efforts in keeping the school a cell phone free zone. Your children appreciate it more than you know! And you and your child will reap the rewards! Last Day Celebration
Our annual tradition of celebrating the school year on the last day at the Columbus Zoo will continue! On Friday, May 24th, all children and family members are invited to the zoo for the celebration! The day will begin with a ceremony to acknowledge those children who have completed their Kindergarten year at Dublin Montessori Academy, and are entering first grade. The ceremony will be followed by a continental breakfast. The festivities will begin at 9:30 a.m. and conclude around 11:00 a.m. The rest of the day is yours! Hopefully, the weather will be beautiful and you can enjoy the zoo with your family and friends! Gates will open at 9:00 a.m. It will be necessary for everyone to enter through the public admission gates. Please be sure to allow enough time as lines do usually begin to form. This year we are having our celebration at the Pavilion. It is located near entry plaza on the left, past the gift shop. We will be sending an invitation home with your child in the coming weeks. A RESPONSE IS REQUIRED. The school will be paying for any non-member students and their parents. This invitation will help us to determine how many admissions to purchase as well as how many guests to expect. If you are a member of the zoo, be sure to bring your membership card as it will be checked upon entering. All other guests will need to pay admission. Children under 2 are free and parking passes will be provided to non-members. Check your invitation for details on how you can pre-purchase admission tickets. The school will be closed with no Extended Care available. All children must be accompanied by an adult at the ceremony. We hope that everyone can attend! Graduation Rehearsal Traditionally, on the final day at the school before graduation, the graduates have a practice ceremony at 10:00 a.m. We ask that all afternoon kindergartners who are graduating to first grade arrive at school on Thursday, May 23rd at 10:00 A.M. After practice, the graduates will be treated to lunch with the teachers. The lunch will be pizza, carrot sticks, apple slices and ice cream. If you wish to supplement your child’s lunch, please feel free to do so. If you have any questions, please call the office. Proper Footwear Required! With the spring weather comes lots of outdoor time! Proper shoes are necessary for the play area as safety is our main concern. We ask you to dress your child in an athletic type shoe and keep the sandals, backless shoes and heels for other times. Thank you. Last Community Service Project for the Year! This year has flown by and with that we are excited to announce our final community service project. A mission of all the teachers at Dublin Montessori is teaching the children about inclusion of children of all abilities. With that in mind, from May 1st to May 23rd we will be raising funds for Team Heart and Sole; a community of runners (teammates) that push “champions” via special wheelchairs adapted for endurance running. To learn more about the team you can visit their website: (You may donate online as well). Dublin Montessori will be collecting “paper money” and Miss Sheidler will be delivering the donations to the team on race day! Your donations will be used to purchase new equipment as well as help with race fees. We are inviting two of the champions to visit the school and share what this group means to them and their families. We would like to invite our families to participate in the 2FGR race on May 23rd. With varying distances from kids fun run to a 10K, there are many ways to participate while seeing Team Heart and Sole in action! You can sign up here: (2 FGR Presents the DSACO Run for Down Syndrome). Thank you for your generous donations throughout the year and we hope to see many of you on May 23rd! Coming Events Friday, May 3rd 2024-2025 Tuition Agreements Due Thursday, May 23rd Graduation Rehearsal and Kindergarten Pizza Party Thursday, May 23rd Last Day of School Friday, May 24th Graduation Celebration At the Zoo Parent Teacher Conferences